Last year we learned from some friends here about the "Comedor" -- a charitable outfit that provides meals to hungry people on a regular and continuing basis. Located in the heart of the historic center of the city, the Comedor serves breakfast (10-11am) and comida (2-3:30pm) daily except Sunday and Wednesday. We have been volunteering on Monday mornings to help serve breakfast (and an occasional Tuesday as well, when needed). Some 30 to 50 people (men, women, and a few children) come in for a free breakfast - often cereal and sweet rolls, usually with a cup of atole (hot beverage). The food is prepared by Genoveva, the cook (she also cleans and supervises). An administrator (Ana Isabel) helps by soliciting food contributions. One of the regular clients (Blas) has been volunteering to help in the kitchen daily for several months now. And Sister Deborah is a regular volunteer. A young female pitbull (Chakira) is a mascot.