On Saturday, Manuel and Alejandra took us on a venture to Xochimilco. We had visited the "Floating Gardens" many years ago with the Riveras but wanted to see how it looks now. And we especially wanted to see the Museo Dolores Olmedo, new to us. We had heard recommendations of a beautiful hacienda museum, loaded with fabulous pre-conquest art work and with very fine collections of works by Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo. We knew beforehand that all the famous Kahlo works were not present: they are on tour in Russia (where they are creating zillions of new Frida fans). That was no deterrent. The museum is indeed lovely. We saw Diego works we had never known existed, in a variety of styles that contrast spectacularly with his murals. The museum also has a beautiful collection of lithographs by Pablo O'Higgins, an artist that Diego brought to Mexico. After enjoying the museum, with its many peacocks and peahens, and its many Xoloizquintli dogs, we strolled around downtown Xochimilco, eating at the mercado, and taking in views of the trajineras and a bouncy bunch of Chinelos. A great day!

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